Let It – Birthing a Song

When the first glimmerings of a song comes, I never really know where it is headed. Even the main idea seems to be in chaos and slowly settles out and clarifies as the song is put together. Let It, is staying true to that mantra. I’m not one to manufacture songs. Songs come from out of thin air and sweet imaginations and pictures or visions of circumstances in my head.

Let It is about getting lost in the music or letting the music carry you someplace else, at least for a little bit. These days, it is good to get away now and then. There’s something more hidden in the lyrics and when the song is released maybe you can find it out. I hope so…

So the lyrics are written and a lot of tracking is done. I played around with a new FREE software tool from Akai called, MPC Beats. Learning it has taken a little time (well spent) and integrating it into Logic X and my processes was challenging. Currently, i would say the song is in development. Tracks are being recorded and the overall arrangement and pieces are being worked and massaged. It’s not really mix time yet as many parts are yet to reveal themselves. Each addition affects everything else in the song. It’s kind of like panning for gold. Swish the water around, let the sand and gravel be washed over the side and the gold be all that’s left. Add, cut, adjust…. until the song is really revealed.