
Friends Are Treasure

Some friends of mine you should look up! Check out their music and businesses.

Friends are a special gift to us. While our paths may cross in different ways, something transcends the needs of a moment into a friendship. Seek friendships above needs and doing tasks or accomplishments. Help and care for one another. God’s grace is embodied in friendship.

Brad Rudolph and Falling Waters Studio

We played together when we were 16 or 17. Years later, after many roads taken and a happenstance couple of meetings, we re-fired up a friendship to collaborate and create. Brad is a mentor for all things studio and production, and an encourager when life is difficult. His latest CD release is called Euphoria. Brad has helped and collaborated on all my releases.

Lion of Judah, Jeremiah Grube

I have known Jeremiah and have played guitar in worship with him for over 20 years. Jeremiah and Lion of Judah is much more than music. Lion of Judah Ministries supports mission work in Haiti, City Quake, and other endeavors in support of worship, missions, and encouraging Christian’s in their faith.


A passion of mine, which rightly carries over into the inspiration of my music is preserving the night sky from light pollution. The IDA is a great resource to learn about why the night sky and preserving the dark is important. Light at night affects much more than people realize. So please, check them out to learn more. It’s so worth knowing about. Go to

CityQuake and Tom Rutolo

City Quake is Tom Rutolo’s new ministry organization. I have played guitar in worship many years for Tom for Power and Love Conferences and now City Quakes. I love Tom’s passion for restoring the work of the ministry of Jesus Christ to the people and helping people, even internationally, to find their identity and life’s true purpose in actively serving Christ and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with other people.

Listen to Tom, in his own words, tell you about City Quake

Pastor’s Testimony from the Tacoma City Quake

Cracked Pot Coffee Shop

The Cracked Pot Coffee Shop is much more than a place for coffee, snack, and a cool place to hang out. Their mission is super cool. Check it out.

Graham English

I first encountered Graham English through his book, Logic Pro for Dummies. Since then, I’ve watch numerous videos, read articles and have taken a class through him. His classes are great and can be instantly applied to music creation, production, and marketing. You can find him at or

OnSong App

OnSong is an app that displays charts to music and much, much more. I use OnSong when I play out, when I write and record. It’s a great solution to the problem of carrying a suitcase file cabinet around. OnSong is a great company with great people working there. I’ve used the onsongapp for years now.

Check out the features. OnSong goes way beyond just displaying the charts for musicians.


The plugins that I use come from a number of companies. Waves plugins work well in my productions. Currently, I really like the J37 Tape plugin on my final bus. I use their pitch correction on vocals and their LA2A compressor and Vocal Rider for certain tracks. I was in need of a VU Meter so I started using that as well. Adjust the 0dB to the level you want and it makes your Limiter adjustments easier to see. The Waves Electric 88 has some really nice electric piano patches, too. Nice to layer that in with a grand piano track. I just picked up the Scheps Omni Channel, NX Oceanways, and Scheps Parallel Particles as part of their current sale. Here is a link to a 10% off coupon.

Let’s make something beautiful together.