EP Released into the Wild

This week, my new EP, Searching Out the Beautiful, with all the music I wrote about in past posts is now released.

With the help of friends and family, the music was all written and produced in my home studio, over the course of the last year.

The songs sound like they do in my head, so I am very pleased with them and feel good about sharing these songs with the world. I put heart and hard effort into writing and production so they would be positive songs and sound.

Each of the songs has a story, some of which I’ve shared in past posts. These tunes are not shallow, manufactured songs. Each one was a hard effort to compose music with a mission to carry a positive message of hope and light, something to lift people up in these times.

If anything is conveyed and taken in through this music, I hope it is an important message for us all to search out the beauty that surrounds us, rather than focusing on the darkness that tries to steal our joy and life. Stand firm in the beauty. That is where you will find your strength and peace.

Searching Out the Beautiful

Published by Mark

Worship musician, guitarist, singer-songwriter, cycling, hiking and backpacking the AT and elsewhere, astronomy, love the night sky, Cats and Dobs, student of light, dark sky advocate, lil people, reading, naps now and then.

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